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Best Orthopaedic doctor in Chennai
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vijaybalajiortho 2021 September 24 19:49

What is stem cell therapy for knee pain?

You may be careful of stem cells if you have heard about some of the controversy encompassing how they are sourced. Some varieties of stem cells are indeed sourced from distributed blastocysts (early-stage embryos) that are just a few days old, but these sets are not used for orthobiologic therapy.

Instead, orthobiologic treatment for knee pain most usually uses stem cells from adult patients themselves by taking specimens of bone marrow and other tissues.

 During treatment, a specialist will take samples of stem cells from other parts of your body and reimplant them into a damaged area. For knee pain, that may include taking sample cells from bone marrow or fat tissue and inoculating them into knee joints.

Your doctor will regularly review the source of your stem cells with you before beginning therapy and will not inoculate you with any substance you do not comply with.

Call  at 8101 555 555. For any orthopedic emergencies, reach out to Dr. Vijay Balaji. He is available for an online consultation 24 x 7.

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