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Bronchitis Vs. Pneumonia: A Brief Explanation
This topic is assigned to Ghenadies
komalgigde 2023 May 19 11:13
You have a fever and a chest pain that feels like you are coughing up mucus. Do you have bronchitis or pneumonia? It could be difficult for Bronchitis Vs Pneumonia. Bronchitis and pneumonia are the two lung diseases, and they can be distinguished by their similar symptoms.

The key distinctions between bronchitis and pneumonia are as follows:
1. Bronchitis symptoms are typically less severe than pneumonia symptoms.
2. Bronchitis is confined to the bronchial tubes that supply air to your lungs, unlike pneumonia, which begins and spreads deeper in your lung tissues.

Visit The Voice Of Woman to learn more about bronchitis vs. pneumonia. 
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