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How to Find Influencers to Promote Your Mobile App
This topic is assigned to Ghenadies
JustAlex 2019 May 05 06:58

According to emarketer, 81% of marketers found that influencer marketing is the most effective method. Another survey found that 51% of the respondent marketers got better customers from influencer marketing.

These stats clearly show that it is the way forward for customer acquisition. And, if you do not plan to initiate it right now, you put yourself at risk of falling behind.

But, how can you find an influencer who can market your app to millions of users?

How would you know whether they are the right fit?

And, how can you get started with the process?

So, to make your job easier, we list several ways you can find and reach out to the right influencers and how you can capitalize the advantages of influencer marketing. Read on to learn more.

Influencer Marketing Activities

Influencer marketing is divided into four main activities. These are:

  • Finding and ranking the influencers, as per their popularity and importance,
  • Reaching out to the influencers,
  • Using influencers to promote your brand within their communities, and
  • Converting influencers into brand advocates.

If these four steps are done correctly, it can influence your prospects and eventually fill up your sales funnel.

But, this is not an overnight process. Just because you want to use influencers to market your app does not mean that they will be equally interested in your brand.

Remember, influencers are more concerned about their community and only promote apps that benefit their audience.

So, you should give them a compelling reason to promote your app.

How to Find Influencers


Finding influencers in your niche market requires a lot of research. However, the tools mentioned below can simplify this job.


This is one of the best tools to find influencers on Twitter. You can simply key in the niche market in which you would like to find influencers and it will automatically give you a list of relevant influencers with a variety of details.

These details include their bios, locations, tweets, following, followers, and social authority, which measures a user’s influential content on Twitter.


Klear is a great tool to find influencers and it gives you more details about their influential power (measured by the number of followers, amplification, outreach and activity) and other necessary information, such as their gender, skills, location, and age.

It also provides more in-depth details to find out how influential someone is based on their popularity, activity, responsiveness, mutual followers, conversations, network break-down analytics, latest tweets, and demographic information.

The best part is that it also helps you learn with whom the influencer has communicated recently. And, it identifies and recommends influencers who might be relevant to you.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is an excellent platform for getting relevant articles and news. But, it can also be useful to find influencers by setting Google Alerts to find active bloggers in your niche market.

For example, if you want to promote a task management app, you can set alerts to find portals or blogs that talk about task management apps and use them to your advantage.


Webinars can be immensely helpful to target influencers as well because influencers attend them to share tips and analysis. So, by participating in one related to mobile apps, you can directly contact and network with the industry leaders.

However, you should actively participate in discussions, ask questions and engage with them to establish a relationship. You can even host your own webinar and invite influencers to be a part of it as a guest.


You can even find influencers by using a simple method like hashtags on popular social media channels, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

You can use tools like Hashtagify to find hashtags that are relevant for your industry. And, if you know about the relevant hashtags, you can directly go to the social channels and use them to find the right influencers.


Here are a couple of tactics you can use to find and engage with influencers:

  • Many influencers are very active in engaging with or responding to the people who comment on their blogs. You can use this opportunity to get favorable results.
  • Contribute to the influencer’s blog as a guest blogger to help establish an amicable relationship with him or her.
  • Find people who love your competitors’ brands.
  • Use social media monitoring tools, like Topsy or Mention, to see who mentioned your brand and reach out to them.
  • Create an influencer opt-in program. For example, you can offer discounts or free products for those who share your app’s name on their blog or social media profiles.
  • Host events for social influencers.
  • Identify those who are speaking at conferences and reach out to them in a non-abrasive manner to establish a relationship.


No matter what strategy or tool you use to find influencers, make sure that you promote them first, comment on their blogs or websites, connect with them through email or social media, and sharpen your craft to make an impression.

This will help you establish a mutual and successful relationship which could help expand both party’s brands. A simple give and take strategy could work best.

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