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9 Mistakes to Avoid in AngularJS Mobile App Development
This topic is assigned to Ghenadies
JustAlex 2019 May 02 13:06

Imagine you built a mobile app and put a lot of effort into it, but were later forced to abandon it in the first month of installation because of a bad user interface (UI) or poor performance. You would not wish to suffer such a setback, right?

It is vital to provide an excellent user experience for your mobile app and front-end scripting can have a major impact in this regard. However, HTML or CSS may not be a major concern, especially with the availability of a framework like AngularJS which facilitates 100% JavaScript coding. Many mobile app developers prefer AngularJS as it is very easy to start with this framework and offers access to a wide range of features.

But, even though AngularJS is one of the most starred repositories on GitHub, it still has its fair share of inconsistencies. So it is of paramount importance that you be careful, while using AngularJS, and there are several precautions you need to take.

Let us take a look at some of the common mistakes that AngularJS developers can easily avoid during the mobile app development process.

Attempting Server-Side Scripting

The AngularJS framework was designed to facilitate front-end development requirements for a mobile app. Hence, you need to use it for front-end scripting and avoid using it for any server-side scripts as doing so may be ineffective.

Using Third-Party Plugins like JQuery

If you add JavaScript to websites, you do not have to be concerned about memory consumption as JavaScript reloads during navigation. However, in case of single-page apps, the use of JQuery may result in users spending a lot of time in your app, owing to performance issues and a poor mobile experience. And, cleaning up is not easy; you will find it difficult to call a garbage collector from the browser script, which may eventually lead to detached DOM trees.

It is best to use the majority of the AngularJS framework resources to create an agile, stable, and responsive mobile app.

Using an Extremely Extended JSON Object

It is important that you do not allow the performance of your app to degrade because of the use of a nested ng-repeat directive that may result in an extended JSON object existing across multiple screens. You can ensure such good performance by opting for a small individual JSON object in a format that is not derived from XML.

Having too Many Watchers

For every binding {{model}}, your AngularJS framework creates a watcher. In the case of a digest phase, the corresponding binding can trigger the watcher. If there are too many watchers, it may hamper the performance of your mobile app. So, experts generally say that you should not let the count of watchers exceed 2000.

You can easily limit the number of watchers by not watching the scope models, especially when you do not expect them to change. Also, it has become even easier to keep a check on the digest cycles and watchers from AngularJS 1.3 onwards.

Excessive or Less Reliance on Automation

If you are a developer who does not like to get involved manually, then you may choose to use a lot of tools, such as npm, bower, Yeoman generator, gulp, brunch, and bash. Some of these tools may help you track your dependencies, process files in various ways, reload the browser after a file save, and so on. However, you should not use all the automation tools just because they are available.

It is important to understand your infrastructure and coding requirements and keep things simple. In other words, do not go overboard with the use of automation. At the same time, use automation wherever you are sure that it will make a big difference.

Confining Business Logic with Controllers

As controllers serve as a good launchpad for your AngularJS mobile app, developers tend to opt to use them, even if they manipulate the DOM. In fact, it augurs well to have the app business logic work with services that continue to exist throughout the app’s lifecycle, unlike short-term controllers.

Using Ajax Compilation

A common mistake that many developers make is to opt for Ajax compilation which is less compatible with the AngularJS framework and results in particular codes being skipped. Instead, it is better to go with built-in compilers that ensure the appropriate handling of codes, leading to a well-performing mobile app.

Using Excessive External Directives Compared to Pre-Built Directives

You can use different external directives, while developing your AngularJS mobile app. However, they may not be as comprehensively tested on multiple instances as pre-built directives are. Hence, excessive use of external directives may not always be favorable for a bug-free mobile app.

Not Using a Dot for Inheritance

Many developers miss out on using the dot in the ng-model, even with regard to inheritance. The use of a dot can help you a great deal, while handling nested scopes that have a prototypal model of inheritance.

krissmith 2020 January 06 16:38
What is difference between angular and AngularJS?
First of all, Angular is based on TypeScript while AngularJS is based on JavaScript. TypeScript is a superset of ES6 and it's backward compatible with ES5. 
AngularJS uses terms of scope and controller. To scope a variable you can add many variables that will be visible in View as well as in Controller.
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