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6 Tools You Must Use for Mobile App Marketing
This topic is assigned to Ghenadies
JustAlex 2019 May 05 16:58

When you charge into the battlefield of app marketing with full force, you need the best tools to aid you in your fight. Your efforts can only be useful if it is spent on the right tools.

So, let us make it easy for you. Here are some great tools that you can start meddling with.

1. Usability Hub

For an app to be successful, it must be usable. If you are wondering how you can evaluate an app’s usability, here are some things you need to start out with: screen flows, navigation designs, feature usage and other interface elements.

Usability Hub is a free tool that helps you test the above said elements. Usability Hub is a community-based tool which has some really great testing features for evaluating your designs.

Some notable features include:

  • - Five second test
  • - Click test
  • - NavFlow
  • - Preference test

Each test costs one credit to run and you earn credits for each design evaluation submitted by the users. The paid version of the app has many additional features, such as split testing, chained test sets and demographic targeting.

2. Sensor Tower

Sensor Tower is an excellent data tool that helps you optimize your app. It collects data about the top apps from the app stores and uses the data to derive intelligent insights about what makes an app succeed.

An excellent free feature from this app allows you to evaluate your app and see where it stands in terms of App Store Optimization (ASO). But, to unlock the other features of this amazing tool, you will have to go for a paid version.

Some of the paid features are:

  • - Top app charts
  • - Growing your presence
  • - App trend estimates

3. App Annie

App Annie is another analytics app that you can use to explore the nuances of app stores. You can monitor the performance of trending apps, examine the app ranking history, keep track of your competitors, find out about demographic estimates, look at cross-app adoption rates and do a lot more. This app is available in both free and paid versions.

4. Optimizely

If you want to do some deep testing on your mobile interface, Optimizely is the right tool for you. It lets you run several A/B tests on your mobile app and provides additional features for usability testing. Some of the capabilities provided include the following:

  • The visual editor lets you make visual changes without having to do any coding.
  • Update visual changes in real time.
  • Test new features and configure them.
  • Optimize the code-level variables.

Optimizely also allows you to integrate with Localytics for better insights and thus derive more value from your tests.

5. Branch Metrics

Branch metrics is a must-have tool for tracking the efficiency of your marketing efforts. It helps you create special deep links that can help you track your app’s downloads.

It also ensures that the links to your app are routed to the right app store. It further helps in redirecting the user back to the in-app content they were reading before installing the app and allows for craft reward referrals and personalized onboarding of data.

This tool helps you create a better user experience and the ability to make the best use of deep links.

6. Apteligent

Apteligent lets you evaluate the performance of your app with the help of real-time app diagnostics and crash reports.

It helps you retrace user actions and provides a good causal analysis of errors. It also helps you use metrics to create alerts. You can then use these alerts to ensure a better user experience.

Reggos 2020 June 17 01:20
Thank you for sharing!
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