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CEHv11 Training and Certification
This topic is assigned to Ghenadies
Infosavvy 2020 December 23 07:22
The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) credential is the most trusted ethical hacking certification and accomplishment recommended by employers globally. It is the most desired information security certification and represents one of the fastest-growing cyber credentials required by critical infrastructure and essential service providers. Since the introduction of CEH in 2003, it is recognized as a standard within the information security community. CEH v11 continues to introduce the latest hacking techniques and the most advanced hacking tools and exploits used by hackers and information security professionals today. The Five Phases of Ethical Hacking and the original core mission of CEH remain valid and relevant today: “To beat a hacker, you need to think like a hacker” .
plastictank 2021 January 11 07:05
Is the ccna mcse course a prerequisite?
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