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"Mastering Prolog: A Comprehensive Assignment to Test Your Skills"
This topic is assigned to Ghenadies
programmingwiththomas 2023 November 18 10:03

Welcome, aspiring Prolog enthusiasts! In this blog post, we're diving into the world of Prolog with a challenging assignment designed to test your understanding of this powerful programming language. Whether you're a student looking to sharpen your skills or someone seeking to deepen their knowledge, this assignment is tailored for you. So, let's get started with our Prolog Assignment – the perfect opportunity to showcase your prowess in logic programming! Visit :

Assignment: Do My Prolog Assignment

Question: Consider a scenario where you need to develop a knowledge base for a zoo management system. The system should be able to store information about different animals, their habitats, and dietary preferences. Your task is to write Prolog rules to query and update this knowledge base.

  1. Define a predicate animal/2 that relates the name of an animal to its species.
  2. Create a rule to represent the habitat of each animal, using the predicate habitat/2.
  3. Implement a predicate diet/2 that associates each animal with its dietary preferences.
  4. Develop a rule to determine if two animals can live together based on their compatibility. This rule should be named compatible/2.
  5. Write a query to find all animals that are herbivores.

Remember to include comments in your Prolog code to explain the purpose of each rule or predicate.


% Knowledge Base animal(elephant, mammal). animal(tiger, mammal). animal(giraffe, mammal). animal(penguin, bird). animal(sea_lion, mammal). habitat(elephant, savanna). habitat(tiger, jungle). habitat(giraffe, savanna). habitat(penguin, icy_waters). habitat(sea_lion, coastal_area). diet(elephant, herbivore). diet(tiger, carnivore). diet(giraffe, herbivore). diet(penguin, piscivore). diet(sea_lion, piscivore). % Rule for Compatibility compatible(X, Y) :- habitat(X, HabitatX), habitat(Y, HabitatY), (HabitatX = HabitatY; X = penguin, Y = sea_lion; X = sea_lion, Y = penguin). % Query for Herbivores herbivores(X) :- diet(X, herbivore).


  1. The animal/2 predicate relates the name of an animal to its species.
  2. The habitat/2 predicate associates each animal with its habitat.
  3. The diet/2 predicate links each animal to its dietary preferences.
  4. The compatible/2 rule determines if two animals can live together based on their compatibility in the same habitat, with a special case for penguins and sea lions.
  5. The herbivores/1 query finds all animals that are herbivores.

Feel free to modify and extend the knowledge base and rules to further challenge yourself and explore the capabilities of Prolog.

Remember, practice is key to mastering Prolog, so dive into this assignment and enjoy the journey of logic programming!

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