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How to Optimize Your Google Play Store App Details Page
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JustAlex 2019 May 02 14:21

Are you planning to build an android app soon? Or perhaps you have already created one successfully and want to increase your user base.

In either case, optimizing your app page to attract maximum users is a must. Once an app hits the Google Play Store, it is pitted against multiple apps and needs help to get noticed amongst the thousands of apps.

Here, we’ll discuss how you can optimize your app page in the Google Play Store since not much has been discussed on the topic yet.


Unlike Apple’s Store, Google Play Store does not have a specific space dedicated to keywords. So the idea is to put in relevant keywords in the name of the app or in the description section. You have to look up the most popular or most suitable keywords for other similar apps that can help you attract more attention.

There is a wide range of app store optimization tools available which can help you figure out relevant keywords and also show how that keyword fares in the market. An extensive list of app optimization tools are available here.

You should use your keywords at least five times in your app description since Google has provided a generous 4000 word limit for the section.

Attractive Visuals

The attention span of visitors to the app store is limited. This means that you have to create attractive visuals and include images that will get the users hooked instantly to your app. App developers often use scripted screenshots of their apps for this reason. If you are designing your own icon or logo, you can get help from Google here.

The next best thing you can do is create a catchy video. Videos are more engaging than still visuals and can capture people’s attention immediately.

Once a video is created you can simply add the Youtube link to your app. Keep in mind that the duration of the video should not be too long. The optimum length is between 30 seconds to a maximum of 2 minutes.

Google Play Store Rank Algorithm

Apple’s App Store uses a special search algorithm that decides how and what comes up in a search. Similarly, Google’s Play Store also has a specific algorithm that they use, but they like to keep it a secret. We have been able to decipher a few of these. Take a look below:

  • Ratings – This looks for how many people have rated your app. Another important factor is the quality of the ratings, if there are a lot of good ratings or poor ratings.
  • Downloads – How many downloads happened in the last 30 days? If the number is high enough for google, your app will show up in most searches.
  • Uninstalls – How many users uninstalled your app recently? If the number is high, chances are that your app may not show up in searches.
  • Usage – Some developers report that the usage pattern of their apps or frequency of use is also considered as part of the search algorithm.

Boost for Reviews and Ratings

More positive reviews and higher numbers of ratings can catapult your app even higher in a Play Store search, so you have to work on gathering more ratings and reviews. Here are a few pointers on how you can achieve this:

  • Look into feedback and make changes to satisfy your users
  • Give free trials or free versions of your app when you launch it
  • Give users an easy way to leave ratings, or reviews
  • Make the signing up process easy
  • Promote your app on the relevant platforms to attract more attention

These are some of the pointers that can help you make your app successful. Another thing to note is that Google always prefers apps that use Google+ login, so make sure you incorporate that into your application. It will also help boost your ratings.

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