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Mobile Appium Testing Using Python
This topic is assigned to Ghenadies
Appsierra 2022 November 14 10:27
This section is a fast start for a primary mobile app automation test utilizing Mobile Appium Testing Using Python. The example project was created for an Android smartphone using the Pycharm IDE.

The prerequisites are as follows:
1. Java must be the most recent version in order to use Android Studio.
2. Installation of the SDK and Android Studio. Since ADB is installed as part of the android SDK, this is necessary. To obtain the PC-related device list, the ADB utility is suggested.
3. Download sample android link using the Eribank sample Android app
4.installing PyCharm's most recent version.
5. By utilising a USB cable to connect the mobile device to the computer and enabling developer mode or USB debugging in the Android device.
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